Indian Army Day 2021 will be celebrated on 15 January 2021 in India, in recognition of Field Marshal Kodandera M. Cariappa’s (then a Lieutenant General) taking over as the first Commander-in-Chief of the Indian Army from General Sir Francis Butcher, the last British Commander-in-Chief of India, on 15 January 1949. He adopted the slogan ‘Jai Hind’, which means ‘Victory to India’,”. The day is celebrated in the form of parades and other military shows in the national capital New Delhi as well as in all headquarters. On 15 January, India will celebrate its 73rd Indian Army Day 2021 in New Delhi.
Indian Army Day 2021 marks a day to salute the valiant soldiers who sacrificed their lives to protect the country and its citizens. Army Day is used to celebrate for the people to know the Army who gave their lives for the betterment of the people. Army Day Celebration is used to make the people make the country more Stable and Strong for saving the Nation from any big War.
While celebrations take place across the country, the main Army Day parade is conducted in Cariappa Parade ground in Delhi cantonment. Gallantry awards and Sena medals are also awarded on this day. In 2020, 15 soldiers were presented with bravery awards. Param Vir Chakra and Ashok Chakra awardees participate in the Army Day parade every year. Military hardware, numerous contingents and a combat display are part of the parade. In 2020, Captain Tania Shergill became the first female officer to command an Army Day parade.
In India, where army & its members are considered as the pride & honor of the nation. The Indian Army was established on April 1, 1895. However, after independence – on January 15, 1949 – the army got its first Indian chief. India celebrates the Indian Army day to highlight this power transfer from the last English commander to the commander-in-chief General KM Cariappa (later Field Marshal).
The theme for the 2020 Army day celebrations was ‘Digital Transformation of Defense’.
INDIAN ARMY DAY 2021: Chief of Defence Staff
Army Chief General Bipin Rawat has been named as India’s first Chief of Defence Staff. He has been named as the CDS just a day before he was to retire from service after completing a full three-year term as the Chief of Army Staff. The recommendation for creating of CDS was mooted 20 years back.
It was on August 15, 2019, that Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the post of Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) from the ramparts of the historic Red Fort. Making the far-reaching announcement for India’s defense forces, the prime minister had said: “Our forces are India’s pride. To further sharpen coordination between the forces, I want to announce a major decision from the Red Fort: India will have a Chief of Defence Staff (CDS).
This is going to make the forces even more effective. India should not have a fragmented approach. Our entire military power will have to work in unison and move forward. All three (Services) should move simultaneously at the same pace. There should be good coordination and it should be relevant to the hope and aspirations of our people. It should be in line with the changing war and security environment with the world. After the formation of this post (CDS), all three forces will get effective leadership at the top level.”
Army Day 2021: भारतीय सेना के मेजर ने बनाई दुनिया की पहली यूनिवर्सल बुलेटप्रूफ जैकेट ‘शक्ति’
भारतीय सेना (Indian Army) ने एक और बड़ी उपलब्धि हासिल की है. सेना के मेजर अनूप मिश्रा (Major Anoop Mishra) ने दुनिया की पहली यूनिवर्सल बुलेटप्रूफ जैकेट (world’s first universal bulletproof jacket) विकसित की है. इस स्वदेशी बुलेटप्रूफ जैकेट को ‘शक्ति’ (Shakti) नाम दिया गया है. इस जैकेट की सबसे खास बात यह है कि इसे महिला और पुरुष दोनों ही पहन सकते हैं, जो कि इसे बाकी बुलेटप्रूफ जैकेट से अलग बनाती है. इसके साथ ही यह जैकेट दुनिया का पहला फ्लेक्सिबल बॉडी आर्मर (world’s first flexible body armour) भी है.
INDIAN ARMY DAY 2021: Join Indian Army
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